- K4ETC -
Member: ARRL, QRP, Mecklenburg Amateur Radio Society * W4BFB * Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. NC *, Johnson City Amateur Radio Association, Carter County (TN) Amateur Radio Association, TAPR, and others.
Sec. / Tres. - East Tenn. St. Univ. Amateur Radio Club (W4BUC),
Trustee: Smokey Mtn. Digital Hams (Trustee) -N4XTZ-,
Most active on packet and APRS (UI-VIEW32), HF CW (20/40M), and VHF/UHF weak signal modes.
Setting up automatically controlled data stations near 1.81, 3.585, 7.100, 10.145, 14.095, 14.110, 18.105, 21.100, 24.925, and 28.150 in both NC and TN with plans to expand further if indicated by traffic volume and user needs.
Base Station: Most of my base station is homebrew / kits or converted mil surplus running at 10W or less. I enjoy the challenge and thrill of QRP work and while I can now run higher power and have outside antennas, I stick mostly with QRP at home.
NEW: Chasing DXCC at QRP levels has thus far been fun and quite
eventful. Working dx on a low power and low profile set up is
challenging yet thrilling but confirming is so far a NIGHTMARE!
Early morning on the 24th of March, 2008, I bagged my last state for WAS. Confirmations may take some time still.
FISTS # 13712
QSL Direct or via LOTW
I upload some logs to eQSL for those who use that service.
Any requests for QSLs using LOTW or eQSL may be emailed to <my call>@arrl.net and will be promptly acted upon.
I am a volunteer examiner accrediated by the ARRL/VEC and a Navy/Marine Corps MARS Operator assigned to a Station Augmentation Team (SAT) and also a SHARES Operator.
Happy Dits and Dahs to you,
_._ ...._ . _ _._.
Page last modified: 2008-09-11